Hi, I'm James
This project is a feature-light clone of the popular communication platform, Discord. It started as a UI clone to demonstrate an ability to replicate a design, but quickly morphed into a working real-time text chat application. This led to an investigation into WebRTC, which completes the core feature set of channel-scoped text and voice chat.
// Hosted on Firebase. WebRTC logic and implementation breakdown in the Github Readme
On top of a client-facing landing page, this project features a planning application powered by a Firebase Realtime Database. A manager can assign tasks to staff, who see them updated on their device almost instantly. This replaces a pen and paper system, lowers planning time and increases flexibility.
// Hosted on Firebase, login credentials available in the Github Readme
A basic content delivery site. The project acted as a playground for me to explore programmatic page generation with Gatsby, GraphQL and Contentful. I also used it to investigate TailwindCSS as an alternative styling solution.
// Hosted on Netlify
This portfolio aims to demonstrate my skills as a developer, providing an engaging design within which to display my projects. It utilises the power of Gatsby, GraphQL and Contentful to make adding and removing content easy, as well as drawing the eye with some visually appealing CSS animations.
// Hosted on Netlify, linked to Contentful with build hooks
I'm James, a full-stack web developer based in Oxford, England.
My interest in programming ignited when I offered to improve a previous employer's invoicing system. Armed with very little knowledge, Microsoft Excel, VBA, and a passion for problem solving, I embarked on a project that opened a door that I didn't even know I was looking for.
Since then I have applied my focus to web development. Every project I have worked on has taught me something new, and challenged me to further expand my skills. I enjoy problem solving, and have found that programming is an ideal medium to indulge this pastime.
From my first experience of reading Excel cell values in VBA, to creating full-stack applications, my motivations to improve my skills in this field have only increased.
A JavaScript/ TypeScript developer with a versatile skillset
I have experience with fullstack applications built around the React/React native ecosystem, working with CRA, Next.js, Gatsby and Expo. Styling frameworks such as MaterialUI, Chakra and Tailwind bring these projects to life, while using Redux to handle complex state, and React Testing Library for unit and integration tests.
On the backend, I have worked with Docker and Kubernetes running on AWS infrastructure in an international application. The Node.js microservice architecture provided opportunities to work with 3rd party translation APIs, Stripe, and RabbitMQ. I also have experience with Apollo client and server, using Prisma to work with an SQL database.